Eligibility of Applications
Participation in Summer of Startups requires the individual or group application of the candidates.
Summer of Startups is looking for participants from all backgrounds of study and all universities.
Program Calendar
Open May 3, 2016
Close June 13, 2016
Participant announcement June 20, 2016
1st July 4, 2016
2nd July 7, 2016
3rd July 11, 2016
4th July 14, 2016
5th July 18, 2016
6th July 21, 2016
7th July 25, 2016
8th July 26, 2016
Pitch July 29, 2016
Application and Selection process
Participation is open to all citizens over the age of 18, from any country.
No trademarks or legal persons can participate.
The participation in Summer of Startups is permitted for individuals and teams.
Applications will be considered by Fábrica de Startups only after submission of the application form.
Fábrica de Startups can request additional information for evaluation of the team and project, in order to make a final decision.
Fábrica de Startups will select the participants by taking into account all the information made available through the application form and additional information that may be requested from the teams.
The selection of participants will be based on the level of commitment and the technical and executional capabilities.
The selected participants will be announced via email.
The evaluation and selection of participants will happen on the 5 (five) days following the closure of the application process.
Participation and Acceleration program
The bootcamp phase includes 8 (eight) sessions that will take place at Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Palma de Cima, 1649-023, Lisbon, Portugal. During these sessions teams will define, validate and adapt their business idea.
Participation in Summer of Startups requires the presence of participants in Lisbon (Portugal) during the Bootcamp and Pitch Phases.
You will be notified by email of your selection. Selected participants must confirm their participation on the program until 2 (two) days after being informed of their selection.
Bootcamps workshops made by Fábrica de Startups’ and guest speakers, about the work to be developed in the subsequent week, following Fábrica de Startups’ Methodology: FastStart.
Lessons Learned presentations made by the teams on their business model validation and adaptation report of the work that has been carried out during the previous week.
Mentorship mentorship session, where teams are accompanied by experienced mentors that will periodically meet with the team during the four-week period.
Guest Speakers & Specific Training experts that join the session to give insights on specific topics such as: User Experience, Legal and Finance, Digital Marketing, etc.
Summer of Startups will have a very intense agenda, so participants must be ready to spend a lot of time working on their project. Besides the bootcamps, teams will have to comply with extensive homework that will help them validate their business model.
Teams will have the chance to present their pitch to an audience of investors and other guests.
Teams will need to prepare a pitch deck for this session, guided by Fábrica de Startups on the last boot camp session.
Fábrica de Startups team will help participating teams train.
The project presentation does not guarantee funding. Even though several Business Angels and Venture Capitalists will be invited to attend the investment pitch session, it is not Summer of Startups responsibility to ensure funding. Startups should directly approach them.
Fábrica de Startups cannot be held responsible for the cancellation, postponing or any change in the contest on any of its phases due to unforeseen causes or in cases of force measure.
Exclusions and limitations
Fábrica de Startups reserves the right to exclude, cancel or reject any idea submitted, and/or cancel the participation of any participant, or team member, at any given time during the Summer of Startups accelerator.
Privacy policy
It is for each team to define who holds the rights over the presented and developed ideas and it is each participant’s responsibility to secure intellectual property rights on their ideas if they so wish.
Fábrica de Startups does not assure originality or protection of the published ideas, projects or concepts and will not be held responsible in case any idea is copied, imitated, plagiarized, or in any way used by a third party.
All presentations made by Fábrica e Startups and all support material made available to participants by Fábrica de Startups throughout the bootcamp phase are Fábrica de Startups’ intellectual property
The processing of personal data included in the Summer of Startups application form is absolutely confidential. It will only be used by Fábrica de Startups for the following purposes: selection, commercial, marketing activities and organization of Summer of Startups.
Object and Definition
Summer of Startups is an initiative promoted by Fábrica de Startups. It will take place between the 4th and the 29th of July 2016.
The main purpose is to promote entrepreneurship in Portugal by supporting university students in developing their ideas and help them become successful entrepreneurs. Summer of Startups includes a set of bootcamps that consist on working sessions where participants are expected to develop and validate their business idea.
Summer of Startups will follow the FastStart Methodology, from Fábrica de Startups, an 8 (eight) step path built under the evidence-based approach of the Lean Startup and Customer Development concept.
Summer of Startups will be open for 30 (thirty) to 40 (forty) participants.
The accelerator program will end with a presentation session where startups will have a chance to pitch their business to a jury panel.